On August 5th, we’ll be rolling out (literally) a new project called ‘the lesen lounge‘.

This is a carpenter rendering of what’s to come!

Anyone that encounters us set up in the open air is free to explore our zine collection and can even make one of their own while hanging out.

Check out our new site and if you’re in Berlin, come and visit!

What started as an experiment 2 years ago, The Wunderkabinet changed, moved, and is now branching out into something I’ve wanted to do for years, but never really saw happening.  I have to say that if it wasn’t for the artists, patrons, and supporters of kabinet over it’s year of rotating exhibitions, I would never have the courage to go forward – so THANKS A MILLION!

Where does this new avenue take us?  Well, more information will come very soon, but this is how we’ll get there!

In the meantime, I will tell you that our first steps in this direction are supported the Quartiersmanagement Wrangelkiez, a community initiative in Kreuzberg, Berlin that we’re really proud to be a part of.

If something gets enough attention, eventually the rough edges will smooth out and it will get a bit of a shiny patina. Good or bad, this is what happens with everything from neighbourhoods to cultural movements. But, what can we do to retain those edges that made that something so appealing in the first place?

Laura Threthewey, who paid us visit in the Reading Raum last summer, has written an interesting piece in Broken Pencil on the subject. You can read it HERE.

I, personally, want to believe there is room in zine world for artists and zines in the art world. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone on this one. Besides, there’s still a lot of charm in the sharp edge of a saddle-stitch.

The Wunderkabinet is on a bit of hiatus for the winter, but there’s something special happening in Berlin this weekend (November 26-27) that we want to spread the word about. Some really great people, including some Reading Raum contributors, have gotten together and organized Berlin’s very first Zinefest!

The list of zinesters and distros that will be showcasing their stuff are coming from all corners of Europe and there are tons of workshops and readings planned.

Get all the details HERE!

Some very good folks – including some Reading Raum contributors – are deep in the planning stages of Berlin’s very own zine fest this November! Having sat for many hours myself behind the event planning table, I can tell you this is a massive undertaking and help is always welcome. If you’ve got skills that you want to share to make this event amazing, you should definitely get in touch!

To keep up to date on what’s happening, join the facebook page and visit the blog.

Our summer inside the Etsy Labs is coming to close. Our final day is just over a week away. If you’ve been meaning to drop by, don’t delay! August 19 is the final day to peruse The Reading Raum. If you’d like to make an appointment send us a note.

Baby Fatso Urban Art Installation Map

Reading Raum contributor Karl Addison has assembled a hidden installation project deep in Berlin’s east. A room full of fat babies in a decaying factory that requires a map to find. How can you go wrong? We went searching this past weekend and I can say it’s a pretty great discovery among the ruins of the building.

Karl is working on a book and video on the project. We can’t wait!

There’s some blow-you-away lookers sitting on our shelves over here. My paltry photography skills doesn’t do them justice so you should really just come and take a peak. One rule: no drooling!

Here’s a tiny sampling with work from Tara Bursey, Robert Dayton, HLG, fox italic, Karl Addison, Faye Moorhouse, Pogobooks, naivsuper & nieves.

Wondering how far things have come since 2007? Maybe even what crafters in Montreal were up to in 2002? We’ve got some pretty great crafty crit, lit and know-how from the early-ish days of this movement here in The Reading Raum! Err…is it still a movement, or have we arrived?

Included here is CROQ #4 with a recap of the very first Craft Congress(!) and a few d.i.y. manuals from Church of Craft congregations in Montreal and Toronto. Special thanks goes to kabinet friend Jen Anisef for caring for many of these gems over the years.

zines by Faye Moorhouse, Tara Bursey, naivesuper books

Need a little love this summer? We recommend you take a little browse through our collection to get what you want. Romance, smut, critical evaluation? There’s something between these covers for everyone! Here’s a peek of what’s on the shelf…

zines on loan from the collections of Jen Anisef, Stephanie Wu, and Leah Buckareff

Tijuana Bibles from Renate! - modern versions of the classic comic smut.